Thursday, March 31, 2011

Foot: Film Festival Review

       Unfortunately finding the Film Festival was not as easy as I would have liked it to be. First off, I do not own a gps, so I printed my directions off ahead of time, hoping that I picked the best route. To my dismay, it was not the easiest route and without the help of Colleen I probably would not have gone because the directions were just insane. They wanted to take me on side roads instead of the highway. It’s very hard to drive in traffic in Cleveland when it is snowing and try to look at the directions.
I wish the festival would have said that the films were showing in Tower City. I knew there were in Tower City Cinemas, but I thought it was in a separate building and if I had known that they were in there I would have at least known of the general area of where the festival was. Having to drive down towards the flats to park was crazy. There was a barrel in the middle of my lane because of how bad the pothole was. So you had to wait for no cars to be coming in the opposite direction, so you could pass the hole in their lane. I was expecting someone to jump out in front of me; needless to say it was sketchy.
I was not very impressed by the festival. It was just like going to the movies. I would have rather went to a movie theatre close by and not have to pay for gas than drive there just to watch a movie. If you were into movies and wanted to spend the whole day watching films, then I could understand going. The only perk of going, besides watching a touching film, was getting to see the producers at the end of the film. I wish they would have announced after the show that they were going to be standing by the doors on the way out because I didn’t even realize it was them until after we passed. Overall, the movie was great, but it was not really a new experience. It felt the same as going to the movies, only more expensive and stressful.

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