Saturday, February 19, 2011

Foot: Pleasure Reading

I was reading a note on Facebook that a teacher from my hometown wrote the other day. She is a sixth grade English teacher and was at the Ohio Middle Level Conference. There she learned about Senate Bill 5. The general consensus of it is that pay will go to a merit based system. I'm sure we all have heard about this in the past, but I guess it's getting closer to being put into effect. It not only will affect teachers and people in the school system, but also firefighters and policemen. It too would eliminate sick leave for teachers. This bill is very extensive and I don't know all of the facts, so I don't feel that it's right that I go on and on about it when I haven't heard all that she did. What I did want to do was bring to your attention that this could potentially go into place, and how would you feel about being paid based on how your students do on a test. In a post for Dr. Pytash's class, I wrote how unfair it is to students if their only grades are on tests and quizzes. Again, this seems a little extreme to me to base a teachers pay off of how his or her student's do on a single test. It feels like they are trying to make everything so standardized and I don't feel you can make every teacher the same. There are other ways of evaluating teachers than by their students test scores. I think we need to look further into the situation, instead of going with the first idea that appears would work. Below I have listed a few links on Senate Bill 5. 

1. This link talks about a lot of new bills in both the House and Senate  
2. This one is just on Senate Bill 5
3. This last link talks about two retired teachers view on the bill.


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I am sure a lot of us are interested in this topic!

  2. I agree that teaching and learning has become far too standardized and it makes me feel suffocated to know I will almost be forced to "teach to the test". This is not the most effective way for students to learn and it's far cry from the best way to teach. If this bill passes it will be very interesting to, well experience, the results as most of us will have (HOPEFULLY!) obtained a job when it comes into effect. Thanks for posting this!!
