Sunday, January 30, 2011

Foot: Internet Articles

It was quite comical that one of the guys didn't even want the credit for the Internet. He was like I didn't even do half of this but they're giving me credit. I did not know that the Arpanet was around in 1969. Of course, I wasn't alive then but still I didn't think that the Internet had it's first origins till around the eighties. Ray Tomlinson just so happened to choose the @ symbol to separate the person with the files on the computers. I'm sure no one thought it just happened by chance. Steve Case talked about community trumping content and I think that is still relevant today. No matter what you can learn on the Internet, I think more people like and want to be a part of it because of who they can connect to. I'm not a fan of Gary Thuerk; I hate spam. There is so much to the Internet that I never knew. I'm sure a lot of people just take it for granted. I use Yahoo everyday and never wondered who came up with or when. 

What an accomplishment to have the world's sixth most visited site be owned by a twenty-four year old. I knew some of the controversy of Mark Zuckerberg's past before reading the article, but not as in depth as Rolling Stones told it. Whether he really did steal the idea of the site from his colleagues is something we will probably never know. While it may not seem fair, he is the one that went the furthest with the idea and prospered off of it. It seems to me like it was going to be thought of by someone at the school within time. Zuckerberg just happened to be the one that got all the kinks out of the way and mastered the idea. If I was one of his colleagues, I'm sure I would be angry. It's doesn't seem that he is a very people-oriented person. I wonder if all the people he has burned even use Facebook.

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